Sunday, June 29, 2014

YouTube, Etsy, Tutorial... Oh My!!!

I had to share this with you my bloggy friends. I hope you enjoy it and are as touched by them as I was.

I know I don't usually share YouTube vids on my blog, but from now on I think I will start sharing ones that I find amazing, beautiful, touching or useful. I will also be sharing crafting vids of mine, and others I have found useful off Youtube!

If you have never checked out OmarGoshTV on YouTube, I highly suggest it. He is good for many laughs with his pranks. He also has a few amazing videos where he helps people such as the one above. Go check out his channel and subscribe! I just found him today and I had to subscribe.


As an update, I am currently working on a new line of beautiful hand beaded cuffs for my store as well as working on launching my own Store Website for Freak Unique Designs. As for my Etsy shop.... I know it is bare at the moment. That is because I am redoing it all, and adding all new products to it as well. It will be relaunched very soon. I will be keeping my Etsy shop even though I will be running my own website storefront making it double easy for you to own a Freak Unique Designs Original. I think you will all be pleasantly surprised by all the changes in the works. It will be ready very soon.... I promise. That is why I have not been very active on the blog. Time seems to be my enemy at times.

Another reason my blog has been slow is because I moved my father from Florida up here to Pittsburgh so I can take care of him. He has Alzheimer's and Dementia along with bad heart problems. I have been taking my time trying to make sure he his comfortable here and getting him acclimated to his new home.

I will have a tutorial up soon on how to make hand beaded cuffs from scratch. I am making the tutorial as I work on my newest cuff. Once I'm done with the cuff and tutorial... You will be the first to know and see it HERE!!!

Hope everyone is well. The thought I would like to leave for you all today is:

Lets all pass on a little kindness everyday, to make the world a better, more beautiful and loving place for us all!

Love You ALL!!!!
